Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most sought after surgeries in today’s culture. Achieving the perfect bust can help a woman feel more confidence and security in their physical shape, and the statistics show that women are willing to go to great lengths.
Before you rush into breast augmentation surgery, it’s important to understand the full scope of the situation. Take a few moments to read over a brief summary of what women should know before going under the knife, and make sure you are confident in your decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery.
Clearly communicate what you want
It’s important that you have a clear communication channel with your surgeon. Plastic surgery is a sort of art, and it’s crucial that you let your doctor know exactly what you hope to achieve.
If you want a gorgeous sideboob after all is said and done, your surgeon will have to enhance certain features of your breast to achieve the look you desire. Take your time hashing out the details with your surgeon, and don’t schedule the surgery until you are 100 percent confident in what will be done.
Understand the recovery process
Make sure you get all the information possible regarding your possible recovery process before you set your surgery date. Recovery from breast augmentation surgery takes time, and you will need someone to help you along through the process.
This is more than just a simple day surgery, and your body will need at least six weeks to get back up to par. You will need to rearrange a few things in your schedule to accommodate your recovery.
Know your options for implants
There is more than one type of implant from which to choose when you’re considering breast augmentation surgery. You can choose from silicone or saline implants, and the two have separate implications.
Silicone implants are typically preferred for their more natural appearance. However, silicone implants require a larger incision, as they are pre-filled prior to implantation. Saline implants are a bit firmer than their counterparts. However, in the case your implant bursts, saline is much safer for your body.
You can breastfeed after surgery
If you want to leave your options open in the way of breastfeeding, you should avoid a surgery that requires a nipple incision. Cutting around the nipples to place your implants can cause sensation loss. Sensation loss could cause trouble when it’s time to breastfeed.
You have to maintain your new breasts
Understand that breast augmentation surgery isn’t a one-stop-booby-shop. You have to have further procedures in the future to maintain the integrity of your augmentation. You will need regular screenings for leaks or ruptures, and you may need adjustments from time to time.
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