To discover the intriguing life stories of a 1940s movie star, a scientist turned author and an inventor turned KGB agent simply continue reading.
Everything you need to know about Frances Farmer:
Frances Farmer was a famous Hollywood actress who was born in 1913 and passed away in 1970. While Farmer enjoyed the life of a successful A list actress and appeared in over 12 big budget films, Farmer’s story doesn’t have a happy ending and Farmer ended being involuntarily lobotomized. After being falsely accused of being crazy.
Why did doctors diagnose Farmer as being delusional and crazy? Farmer rose to fame in the 40s when women were expected to tow the lie, look pretty and keep quiet. However, as Farmer achieved higher levels of success she started asking producers to give her more interesting movie roles and received to film scenes which she felt uncomfortable shooting. A move, which convinced studio heads that she was hysterical.
Farmer was a woman ahead of her time and as a teenager gave philosophical speeches, a move which prompted her mother to push her into the film industry. As she recognized that her daughter had a star quality.
To discover more information about the starlet that history forgot it’s well worth looking up Frances Farmer Quotes.
Everything you need to know about Gaddy Bergmann:
Gaddy Bergmann is a high profile author as well as a highly regarded naturalist scientist. Some of Bergmann’s successful books include “Trials of the Warmland”, “Migration of the Kamishi” and “Riders of the Mapinguari”. As a scientist, Bergmann specialized in studying ecology and microbiology.
However, Bergmann wasn’t content with being a successful author and a scientist and also worked as an educator. Throughout the years Bergmann worked as an elementary school teacher, a high school teacher, and a university teacher and taught students of all ages mathematics as well as science. Proof that Bergmann was a contemporary renaissance man and could excel at various subjects and career paths.
To learn more about Bergmann’s fascinating, fast-paced life it’s well worth searching for more information about Gaddy Bergmann. In order to discover how a scientist managed to become a successful author.
Everything you need to know about Leon Theremin
Leon Theremin was a Russian inventor who managed to become a household name around the world, after successfully inventing the theremin. Which happened to be one of the first electric instruments to be invented.
Even if you don’t think you’ve heard a theremin, you probably have as most film studios use theremins in order to create mysterious, otherworldly sounds. That feature prominently in sci-fi movies and horror movies. You may also be interested to learn that theremins were used in a few classic songs. An example of which is “Good Vibrations” by the Beach Boys.
Following his success, Leon Theremin found himself jailed in Siberia for trying to escape the Soviet Union. However, Theremin was transferred to a military laboratory to work off his sentence and later worked for the KGB. Which was Russia’s intelligence agency.
As Theremin certainly lived a very interesting life, it’s a great idea to look up Leon Theremin quotes.
So there you have it, three very different stories about three amazing individuals who led dramatic lives.
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